Updates From The ORC 2024 Team – March 2024 | Ottawa Robotics Competition

Updates From The ORC 2024 Team – March 2024

Hello Everyone!

As we reach the 90 day countdown to IEEE Ottawa Robotics Competition 2024 we would like to provide everyone with some updates. This year has been a bit more hectic than past, as our organizing team has had major changes and have had to onboard a largely new team. As such we have not been able to provide updates and information as often as we have in past years and we apologize for that. Moving forward we have put in systems to help communicate better with our participants as well as annual plans to learn from our mistakes. We are eager to bring to you a exciting ORC 2024 competition and hope to see you there. Here are some updates on the event as it stands today

The IEEE Ottawa Robotics Competition will be running this year during the May 25th-26th weekend. We have had some difficulties securing a venue this year and have not been able to set a specific date and time until we have a final agreement reached. We are in active talks with a current venue and hope to be able to share the final time and date soon. We understand for some, this may create challenges and for those who this effects, please reach out to orcinfo@ieeeottawa.ca and we will do our best to accommodate you as we can.

We will be opening registration on April 6th for both this years competition and our Work Periods scheduled for April 21st and May 5th. We are hoping to have our final competition time agreed upon for that time or soon after. More information for this can be found on our website and social media when registration opens.

We have also created a new Mailing List for all interested participants. We aim to send monthly emails as well as updates on registration and other updates as they come up moving forward as well as provide first look at new initiatives our team will be planning in the future . You can join by going to http://eepurl.com/dKo0mo or scanning the QR Code on our social media.

We hope this helps you with your planning and if you have any further questions to reach out.

– Robert C, ORC 2024 Chair

  • Our Vision

      The IEEE Ottawa Robotics Competition aims to expose grade 5 to 12 students to STEM fields through a multidimensional approach.
  • Preferred Language

  • Ottawa Robotics Competition Vision

    The Ottawa Robotics Competition aims at bringing engineering awareness to students in grades 5 and 12 by presenting a fun and instructive approach to problem solving.

    Keep up to date with IEEE ORC by subscribing to our mailing list or following our social media (see links below). See you in November!






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